This is your call to action.

If you could prove there was a creator God, would you follow him? If you could prove this God exists and your life and soul are on the line, would that change your life?

If you could prove there was a creator God, would you follow him?

If you could prove this God exists and your life and soul are on the line, would that change your life?

Many in the world are deceived into thinking that a belief in God is naïve, foolish, superficial, etc. and that this belief is based on a flimsy, blind faith. This is not correct. This site exists to help show you there is an enormous, rich, deep, case to be made for a creator God, and for Jesus Christ to be the only Good way in and out of this life.This is broken up into 3 sections below:

Facts & Logic

Are the claims in the Bible correct? Did a man named Jesus Christ live, die, and did hundreds of people claim that He came back? How reliable are the scriptures? How did everything come from nothing? Why does anything exist; the universe organizes order into chaos. Why did order come out of chaos? How and why did life start, and keep on trying to start?

Personal Experience

If one understands the facts and logic of the case, does the actual Creator of existence participate personally in every aspect of our lives? Just how “personal” does this relationship go?


Where to go next. Simple answers and guidance to get you started on your journey.